Shanghai GOM Testing & Technical Co,Ltd.


Steel structure, Aluminum structure - EN1090 CE Certification
发表时间:2018-06-28     阅读次数:778

Steel structure, aluminum structure EN1090 CE certification

Common steel structure, aluminum structure products

Steel TowerTransmission wire pylonsSteel Housessteel work villagreenhouse structurePhotovoltaic stents

CE regulation for steel structure & aluminum structure

Construction products (CPR) Regulation (EU) No 305/2011

CE standard for steel structure & aluminum structure

l EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components

l EN 1090-22008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures

l EN 1090-32008 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminum structures

CE test item for steel structure & aluminum structure

l Tolerances on dimensions and shape

l Weldability

l Fracture toughness, Impact resistance

l Load bearing capacity

l Fatigue strength

l Resistance to fire

l Reaction to fire

l Release of cadmium and its compounds

l Emission of radioactivity

l Durability

System of VOCP for steel structure & aluminum structure

System 2+notified body initial FPC inspection

Tasks for the certification body

l Tasks under the responsibility of the manufacturerInitial type testing; Factory Production Control (FPC); Sampling, testing and inspection at the factory

l Tasks for the certification bodyInitial inspection of factory and of FPC; Continuous surveillance, assessment and approval of FPC

Execution class of steel structure & aluminum structure

Four execution classes 1 to 4, denoted EXC1 TO EXC4, are given, for which requirement strictness increases from EXC1 to EXC 4

Execution classes may apply to the whole structure or to a part of the structure or to specific details. A structure can include several execution classes. A detail or group of details will normally be ascribed one execution class. However, the choice of an execution class does not necessarily have to be the same for all requirements.

If no execution class is specified EXC 2 shall apply.


Welding shall be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the relevant part of EN ISO 3834 or EN ISO 14554 as applicable.

Qualification of welding procedureWPQR-EN1090

Welding shall be carried out with qualified procedures using a welding procedure specification (WPS) in accordance with the relevant part of EN ISO 15609 or EN ISO 14555 or EN ISO 15620, as relevant.

Welders and welding operators -EN1090

Welders shall be qualified in accordance with EN ISO 9606(replace EN 287-1), and welding operators in accordance with EN ISO 14732(replace EN 1418).

Welding coordination -EN1090

For EXC2, EXC3, EXC4, welding coordination shall be maintained during the execution of welding by welding coordination personal suitably qualified for, and experienced in the welding operations they supervise as specified in EN ISO 14731.


that products placed on the market conform to the declared performance characteristics.

The FPC system shall consist of written procedures, regular inspections and tests and/or assessments and the use of results to control the component’s constituent products, equipment, the production process and the manufactured component.

A FPC system conforming to the requirements of EN ISO 9001 and made specific to the requirements of this European standard shall be considered to satisfy the above requirements.

NOTE A quality system does not necessarily need to be in accordance with EN ISO 9001 to satisfy the requirements to FPC of this European Standard.

The results of inspections, tests and assessments stated in the manufacturer`s FPC system shall be recorded.

The action to be taken if control values or criteria are not met shall be recorded and retained for the period specified in the manufacturer’s FPC procedures.


l Personnel

l Equipment

l Structural design process

l Constituent products used in manufacture

l Component specification

l Product evaluation

l Non-conforming products

Shanghai GOM have many domestic factories EN1090 steel structure, aluminum structure CE certification experiencethe certification engineer can provide you with the most professional construction CE certification services in the most rapid time

Tel: 021-34122669 18018853504
