Shanghai GOM Testing & Technical Co,Ltd.

CU-TR (EAC) Certification

GOST Explosive Security Certificate
发表时间:2017-08-30     阅读次数:385

GOST Explosive Security Certificate

GOST Explosive Security Certificate is the document which proves that the products meet the safety requirements of the Russian explosion-proof, it is a compulsory certificate of explosion-proof products in GOST R certification system.

Explosive Security Certificate is part of the compulsory certification of Russian national standards. Explosion-proof equipment is hazardous equipment. Obtaining the certificate of Explosive Security is the premise of applying GOST-R

The required documents for the application

1. Application form

2. Business license

3. Product description and instructions

4. Technical documents

5. A copy of the explosion proof certification in the producer's home country

6. CE-ATEX Certificate

7. ISO9001certificate

8. Other documents

Fire safety certification conformity assessment procedure

1Submit certification applicationProduct name and model, specification parameters, international customs code, etc.);

2According to the application, the expert makes the appraisal, provides the most accurate, the most effective authentication scheme

3Prepare certification documents under the guidance of professional certification engineers;

4Factory inspection and sample test (If the authentication scheme has this requirement)

5The organization reviews the factory's qualification, assesses the submitted documents, and issues the draft certificate;

6. Issue the certificate, receive the electronic version and the original certificate.

Safety Technical Regulation

Issuing time from the delivery of all the required documents: 2 to 8 weeks

Validity: single shipment, up to 5 years

Costs may vary depending on the time validity request, the product to be certified and the number of product variants, or different products if considered similar.
